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C. Y.

Up to the age of about 60 I suffered from chronic sinusitis, constant postnasal drip, the occasional sore throat and flu in winter at least twice a year. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work.

Then, just after I retired in December 2000 some kind sole suggested that I make an appointment to see Dr Caron Cole. I know that I risk giving the impression of being melodramatic, but I can honestly say that this was a life changing moment for me. I can’t pretend to have been cured overnight. In fact, it was a rather slow process. I think it was about 18 months after I started seeing Dr Cole and taking her medication that I realized that most of my sinusitis symptoms had gone and I was generally feeling much better.

Over the next 20 years or so, I have found Caron to be very approachable & helpful & always willing to her advice & help over the telephone or by email & I have become more & more reliant on her knowledge and expertise. I have continued to take maintenance level doses of her medication daily. If, however I do get any slight symptoms such as a sniffle or a slightly sore throat I double up the medication for a period of 24 hours or so which is normally sufficient to restore me to full health.

Overall, I don’t think there has been any period in my life where I have been as healthy as I am now. With the result that apart from my annual “check-up” visits to my Cardiologist, Urologist & GP, I hardly ever need to see a medical practitioner.

I cannot speak too highly of my admiration & regards for Caron & have no hesitation in highly recommending her.

Chris, Johannesburg - January 2022

© 2024 Caron Cole

The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure, and is not a substitute for a professional consultation with a health professional. Do not make any changes or additions to your prescription without consulting your doctor first.

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